Success Stories

Please click here to see a few recent activities that enriched the lives of the children during the academic year 2010-2011.


Stories from Fellows:

Stepping Out of our Comfort Zones

By Jessica El-Kfoury and Minerva Faddoul

Coming into Teach For Lebanon, we did not have the slightest idea what was in store for us. Sure we believed in the mission and the “great” sacrifices it called for, but did we truly know what we were up against? NO. It took one week of moving into our new “home” to realize what great challenges lay before us. Especially since we did not have any prior experience living in what is considered to be an “extremely underprivileged community” in our country.

After leaving our beloved families and heading up to Bakhoun, in Sir el Daniye, we settled down in our new home only to find that it wasn’t really “new”, and we were not alone. Unwanted visitors such as hybrids of cockroaches, worms, and tarantulas came to us about once a week. It wasn’t too bad... We cleaned the house, changed the locks, and prepared ourselves for a bitter winter in the mountains. 

We survived the first week consumed in classroom preparations and self-pity over horrible behavior management. That was enough to take our minds off the alien apartment we lived in. Now we had our health to worry about. A sore throat left us voiceless. A humid house with not a ray of sunshine left us sick for about six months. Allergy meds, vitamins, cough drops, nasal cleansing remedies, you name it. Nothing seemed to work.

The first month went by and suddenly there was a string of hope. Our behavior management strategies began to work as our students became more familiar with us and the new teaching techniques we brought with us into their classrooms. Slowly and surely there was progress in our students’ behavior, academic performance, and hygienic state. As trust and respect mounted between us and our students, teaching became less of what once seemed like a nightmare. The strenuous climb up the steep mountain started to become an adventurous, fun journey downhill.

This brings us to our present condition. What is there to say? THERE ARE ANTS IN MY BAGGGG!!!! I’m desperately knocking the thing to get them out!! HELLLPPP!!! NEW UNWANTED VISITORS IN OUR APARTMENT!!!----ehhhem. Clearing my throat. Where were we. Yes. What is there to say? After much reflection on how our journey began here and where it has brought us we find that we’ve learned to adapt to the changes surrounding us. Whether in the classroom or in our apartment, we’ve come to accept, improve, and take into account what we once thought was far beyond our comfort zone. Today we consider ourselves a significant part of our students’ academic and civil lives, and our Bakhounian community.

This experience has definitely been a test of character since we are daily faced with unexpected challenges. Nevertheless, we have gained a better understanding about what it means to adopt work ethics while leading by example and exercising patience, self-control, and flexibility without being afraid to try new things. We are hopeful that what we have started here with our students will continue to flourish even after we are gone; not only in the school but also in our personal ambitions.